Our farm animals
In addition to the typical farm animals such as sheep & horses, there might be also one or the other that you would not expect straight away 😉

Our farm animals
Typically Icelandic and foreign
In addition to the typical farm animals such as sheep & horses, there might be also one or the other that you would not expect straight away 😉
Arctic fox
The arctic fox is the only native land mammal in Iceland. It weighs around 3 – 4 kg and can be 60 – 90 cm long – including the tail – and 30 cm high.
Cats & Kittens
Our cats here at Daladýrð are: Rósa, Lísa and Pikkatsjú, as well as the brothers Brandur & Brandur.
Cats & kittens
Cats and kittens are quite popular. In order to create enough space for our cats and guests, we have 2 separate enclosures.
Sheep & Lamb
- Pet
… or goatlings. Every summer, we have a couple of lambs with us that we bottle up because their mothers don’t want to / can’t take care of them. Would you mind helping us? 🙂
In summer, at lunchtime, we invite our guests to help us give the lamb the bottle. You can find out if we currently give the bottle and if yes, the exact time at reception.
Goat & goatlings
Birds & Chickens
- Icelandic chicken
- Pekin chicken
- Silkies
- Leghorn chicken
- Quails
- Broiler
- Brahma chicken
Cows & calves
Icelandic horses & foals
Icelandic dog "Bjartur"
If you asked Bjartur, he would surely say that he keeps the entire petting zoo running and is by far the hardest-working employee: D
Bjartur, which means “light” – to match his coat color – has been an essential part of Daladýrð for 7 years now. It is important to him to personally welcome every single visitor.
Not to forget
... our other farm residents

Open daily 11:00 -18:0
EMAIL: daladyrd@daladyrd.is
PHONE: (+354) 863 3112
FACEBOOK: Messenger
Copyright © 2022 daladyrd.is