Strákur og hundur
In our petting zoo you may hold the kittens
Here at Daladýrð we ask you to help us feed our bottle lambs
Pet our goats at Daladýrð

Map & Info

Here you will find an overview of the whole petting zoo – inside and outside.

As well as all info about which enclosures you may enter and which animals you may pet & hold.


Where are the animals?

which animals may i pet or hold?

About Animals

You may pet all animals that you can reach & that want to be petted.

Don´t feed

For the following reasons: it creates tension between them, they start to fight and can hurt each other. Animals want to have things in order. If they are irregularly or constantly fed, they become restless because they are always waiting for food.

our arctic fox

Please do not go under the white extra fence to give our fox some privacy. Thank you.

Careful Electricity

On fences the contain foals, horses, sheep and cows CAN be electricity.

About Animals

You may pet all animals that you can reach & that want to be petted.

Don´t feed

For the following reasons: it creates tension between them, they start to fight and can hurt each other. Animals want to have things in order. If they are irregularly or constantly fed, they become restless because they are always waiting for food.

About Horses

We constantly move them around - So they might on a different field (We try to keep the map updated though).

Careful Electricity

On fences the contain foals CAN be electricity.


Open daily 11:00 -18:0

Copyright © 2022